Are Companies Measuring their Sustainability?

In this blog, I am taking a deeper look into the way that my GG has been measuring their sustainability activities. My Green Giant (GG) that I have chosen to follow this quarter is Toyota.

After doing some research on Google, I found that Toyota actually has a sustainability report that comes out each year. It measures the sustainability activities of the company for each fiscal year, and it is called the Sustainability Data Book.

Sustainability Data Book

According to the description within the Sustainability Data Book, it “explains the initiatives related to the Environment, Society, and Governance.” The book details all of the ways in which Toyota currently looks at sustainability in multiple different facets of the company. It also shows what they plan to do to become more sustainable in the future.

Toyota and the Environment

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Environmental effects of Toyota are monitored closely by the company. The website has a menu option called “Environment” to see what they are currently doing to watch their impact on the environment. I was happy to see that Toyota has been trying to cut down on their water usage. They outline on the website their commitment to reducing electricity and water as well as the waste produced in their products. The website indicates that Toyota measures environmental performance across four key focus areas. The four key areas are

  • Carbon
  • Water
  • Materials
  • Biodiversity

These elements drive the environmental planning, strategies and actions of the company.

Toyota Sustainability

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In the About page of the Toyota Europe website, there is a section focused on Environmental Sustainability. The website talks about how the main focus of the company is to “create cleaner, safer, less stressful and more connected lives.” Toyota is working to create and inclusive, diverse, and sustainable company of cars and people.

Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050

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Toyota announced in 2015 that it was launching a campaign called the Toyota Environmental Challenge 2050. There are six goals that Toyota had to try to reach the goal of this campaign by 2050. They are:

  1. New vehicle zero CO2 Emissions
  2. Life cycle zero CO2 Emissions
  3. Plant zero CO2 Emissions
  4. Minimizing and optimizing water usage
  5. Establishing a recycling-based society and systems
  6. Establishing a future society in nature


Toyota has built a powerful and sustainable company through their creation of the Prius. The Prius is my dream car, and the lengths and measures that Toyota is going to create a more sustainable company have really impressed me. Learning about how they report and measure their sustainability makes me want to support their company even more.

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