Sustainability Promotion

This week’s blog post is about sustainable promotion strategy. In this blog, I’m taking a look at how brands can use content to communicate and promote their commitment to sustainability. The article is Sustainable Business titled: Why Climate Change Iconography Needs a Refresh – and How Your Brand Can Achieve It.

Importance of Promotion

It is important that brands promote themselves as sustainable because they will connect with consumers and will increase their brand loyalty. It will elicit and emotional response from consumers and inspire social change.

By not making sustainability a core component of your visual storytelling and identity, you’re leaving customers, purchasing power, and potential environmental impact on the table.

The article states the importance of brands promoting sustainability and taking action to become more sustainable through the quote above. There are three key considerations to think about when communicating your brand’s commitment to sustainability:

  • Give your customers credit – all of them
  • Focus on action and impact
  • Don’t steer away from newness


It is important to promote sustainably because if you do not, more and more companies will, and you will be left behind. Continuing sustainable promotion will help your company in the long run while helping the triple bottom line of your company.

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