Welcome, my name is Lillian Martin…

…as a recent graduate from Western Washington University, I am looking to combine and apply the set of skills I have learned in a classroom setting and work setting with my personal interests. Using these skills I have acquired towards a project I am extremely passionate about, is important to me. This is why I have created…

…the lil MARTIANS service…

My whole life I have been expressing myself artistically through mixed media. It was always something I had done on the side of work and school. I never had the capability of focusing on it full-time and always referred to myself as a “doodler” rather than an “artist”. I would downplay my work which would keep me from reaching a higher artistic potential. Now, I plan to use the mechanical skills I have acquired to help others who face this same problem. Like myself, many small creators restrict themselves by working solely in solidarity. Whether it be a lack of time, fear of networking, or self-confidence issues, many factors can hold a person back.

My goal with this service is to help small creators further fuel their creativity and curiosity by building the connections they have in a stress-free way. It should open new doors, help with personal brand growth, and allow creators to step out of their comfort zone. And the best part? I do the networking for you.