what is IMC ?

What is IMC? Well… it is a little bit of everything! IMC stands for integrated marketing communications. In this blog post we will be diving into how to market yourself using this approach. If YOU don’t market YOU, nobody will (not considering the help of lil MARTIANS, of course).

Above is a graphic to better understand the concepts of integrated marketing communications, and of course, because this is lil MARTIANS, its space-themed. But that is beside the point…

IMC is a lot like a solar system.

At the core is YOU. YOUR product, YOUR brand, YOUR service, whatever it may be. Ideally, YOU want to have a central hub at your core that allows people interested in your brand to have a consistent place to go. How does this work? I suggest that at the core of your solar system you have a website that acts as your “sun”. The website can then link all of these different planets and make it easier for a visitor to see everything you have to offer. 

Surrounding YOU are a multitude of marketing channels at your disposal. We will refer to these as planets in your solar system. Planets can be broken down by the list below:

And surrounding those planets? Well, there are loads of stars that are different ways of marketing within whatever realm or planet. Again we would hope that your website captures how you choose to use all of these planets!

Does it sound like there are infinite possibilities? Well, that’s because there is. IMC covers all of the ways for you to market yourself. It is important in today’s society to take advantage of all of these marketing channels and make it easy for people interested in your brand to access them.

This is just the surface understanding of IMC and how it can help you. If you are interested in learning more, make sure to share this post or leave a comment! Thank you to all you lil MARTIANS.

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