Full Name (or else)
Birth month and year
I didn't pay attention to this question A super awesomely cool job You know, money really does buy happiness. Still studying! I'd take anything... Other
How do you eat cereal? Please be specific.
What's the most surprising thing about you and the most obvious?
If you had to eat a crayon, what color would it be and how would you eat it?
My hot take: chocolate flavored things aren't good. What's yours?
If you could only take one thing to a deserted island, what would you take?
Your go-to karaoke song:
I'm a Christian, what's your stance? (On God, I mean, but if you've got another stance you want to share, I'm all ears)
Screw personality types, describe yourself in a meme please.
Give me a way to contact you and, if you want to drop your Instagram/any other socials so I can stalk them, go for it!
Anything else you would like to tell me? / Comments
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oh no lucya i forgot to do my 5th woman you have to forgive me. i’m so sorry, i was going to put Naomi Osaka if that means anything i understand my application is rejected due to this oversight.