Personal Data:  U.S. citizen (naturalized in 2010)


Ph.D. (2008) in Cognition and Perception, University of Iowa
M.S. (2002) in Cognitive Psychology, University of Oregon
B.A. (2000) in Psychology, University of Oregon

Professional and Academic Positions

2022-                Assistant Professor of Psychology, Western Washington University
2017-2020        Assistant Professor of Psychology, Drake University
2009-2017        Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Iowa
2008-2009       Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
2002-2008       Graduate Research Assistant, University of Iowa

Grant Panels

2023-                The National Science Foundation: section unidentified until completion
2020-2022        The National Science Foundation: Major Research Instrumentation (NSF: MRI)

Grants: External

National Science Foundation: Major Research Instrumentation (NSF-BCS1919645)
Acquisition of a Gaze-Contingent Eye-Tracking System 
Grant period: August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020
Total direct costs: $38,300
Role: PI (sole)

R13 National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute EY021087  
OPAM: A Conference on Object Perception, Attention, and Memory
Grant period: September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2013
Total direct costs: $22,500 over a 3-year period (due to to the postdoctoral researcher status, the application was submitted under the PI-ship of the co-organizer who held a faculty position)

Grants: Internal

Faculty Development and Enrichment Grant (2019, Drake University)
Learning by Seeing in Visual Cognition
Role: PI (sole)
Total direct costs $1500 (maximum amount)

Faculty Development and Enrichment Grant (2018, Drake University)
Attendance for NITOP (National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology)
Role: PI (sole)
Total direct costs: $1500 (maximum amount)

College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grants (2019, 2018, 2017, Drake University)


Psychonomic Society (Fellow since October 2011, Member 2009-2011)
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (National Grant Awardee in 2005)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Vision Sciences Society (VSS)
Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)
Women in Cognitive Science (WICS)
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
SPARK Society (Cognitive Scientists of Color)

Professional Activities

2021                 The Psychonomic Society Review Committee for Graduate Conference Awards
2017                  Selection Committee Member for Visual Cognition Awards: the 25th OPAM
2009-2011        Organizer, the 17th and 18th OPAM (Object Perception, Attention and Memory)

Services (Department/College/University)

2024-               Scholarship Committee (Western Washington University, WWU)
2023-               IRB (Institutional Review Board) Member (WWU)
2023-               Recently New Faculty Panel on Student-Centered Learning (WWU)
2023-               IDEA (DEI) Committee Member (WWU)
2023 (Fall)       Experimental Program Committee Member (WWU)
2019-2020      Asian Faculty and Staff Affinity Group Organizer (Drake University)
2018-2019       Undergraduate Research in the Sciences, Poster Judge (Drake University)
2019-2020      Faculty Search Committee (Multicultural Counseling, Drake University)
2009-2011      Organizer, University of Iowa Vision Group Seminars/Meetings

Ad Hoc Review

Acta Psychologica
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Brain Research
Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science
Journal of Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Vision
Memory & Cognition
Psychological Science
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Scientific Reports
Visual Cognition

The National Science Foundation (all under SBE: Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences)
Cognitive Neuroscience (BCS: Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences)
Perception, Action & Cognition (BCS: Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences)

Cambridge University Press (Neuroscience)

Psychonomic Society
Cognitive Science Society
Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM)

Teaching Experience
(G = graduate, U = undergraduate)

<Western Washington University>
Instructor: Cognition (U)
Instructor: Experimental Approaches to Research and Statistics (U)
Instructor: Sensation and Perception (U)
Instructor: Seminar in Cognition: Visual Attention (U)

<Drake University>
Instructor: Research Seminar: Gaze-Contingent Eye-Tracking (U)
Instructor: Cognitive Psychology with Lab (U)
Instructor: Sensation and Perception (U)
Instructor: Learning and Memory (U)
Instructor: Introduction to Psychology (U)

<University of Iowa>
Instructor: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (U)
Instructor: Sensation and Perception (U)
Guest Lecturer: Graduate Seminar: Attention (G)
Lab Instructor: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (U)
Lab Instructor: Elementary Psychology (U)
Guest Lecturer: Research Methods in Psychology (U)
Teaching Assistant: Research Methods in Psychology (U)
Teaching Assistant: Sensation and Perception (U)
Teaching Assistant: Language Acquisition (U)

<University of Oregon>
Lab Instructor: Graduate Statistics: A Year-Long Sequence (G)
Teaching Assistant: Group Processes (U)


Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Funds under NSF BCS 11-51209 (2013)
Postdoctoral Fellowship under NIH/NEI R01EY017356 (2009-2011)
Postdoctoral Fellowship under UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Grant RES-000-22-2484 (2008-2009)
Grant-in-Aid of Research from the National Academy of Sciences, through Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (2005): “Attentional Effects in Visual Short-Term Memory: Protection or Comparison?”
University of Iowa Graduate Tuition Fellowship (2002-2008)
University of Iowa Graduate Student Senate Travel Funds Award (2006, 2005, 2004)
University of Iowa Student Government Scholarly Presentation Award (2006, 2005, 2004)
University of Iowa Department of Psychology Travel Funds Award (2006, 2005, 2004, 2003)
Graduate Research Assistantship under NSF BCS 03-39171 (2005-2007)
Graduate Research Assistantship under NSF BCS 99-10727 (2002-2004)
University of Oregon Graduate Teaching Fellowship (2001-2002)