Settling in: host location, classes, and immersion

After being here for almost four weeks, it sometimes feels like I have my neighborhood figured out. But I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of Prague and its mazes of streets. I’m excited to get to know the layout of the city and its activities better as the months go on. From what I’ve seen and explored so far, Prague never disappoints. From underground karaoke in an…

I speak English like it’s my second language (and other post-arrival realizations)

As of today, I’m officially two weeks into my stay here in Prague. The last 14 days have been a whirlwind of new people and near-constant activity planning, mixed with hot afternoons where I melt into my bed and cease to exist for a few hours. I just got here, but I’ve also been here forever. Do you know that feeling? As I’ve been adjusting to living here, I’ve noticed…

The chronicles of traveling for 24 hours, and my first few jet-lagged days!

At 4 am, bright (not) and early Saturday morning, my parents dropped me off at my hometown’s airport. By 7 am, I had landed in Seattle, where I settled in for a 7-hour layover. During my time haunting the airport, I practiced my Czech flashcards, watched Once Upon a Time, got food, started a new book, and generally wandered. The hours passed surprisingly quickly, probably because I was in a…

Me: an introduction

After writing my pre-departure post, I realized I should introduce myself! My name is McKenzie Harris, and I’m a third-year student at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. Before coming to WWU, I lived in Bend, OR with my family and in Niles, CA before that. After my upcoming study abroad trip, I’ll be able to add Prague, Czech Republic to that list! In my free time, I enjoy reading,…