I was so enamored with the amazing display of jewelry at the Museum of Arts and Design. Shown here: Goose Feathered neck pieces with lamb suade and paint by K. Lee Mauel, c. 1988, and blown glass baubled neckpiece by Giorgio Vigna ( b. 1955) titled Gorgoglio, 2002.
I also wouldn’t mind sporting some this superior craftsmanship with an LBD at an art reception some time… This neckpiece and bracelet are made of delicate rolled PAPER!!
But my favorite discovery was found in the many drawers beneath the displays:
A gold and enamel necklace designed by German artist Hermann Junger c.1980, displayed with graphite conceptual drawings!! (Gifted to MAD in 2004. )
As a jewelry lover, wearer and maker myself ( as a hobby) this was all very exciting to see such unique pieces!!!
I’m dying to know what else is hiding in all those display drawers…! (There were too many to examine all at once!)