Isamu Noguchi

One of the places that I had been anticipating visiting most whilst in NY was the Noguchi Museum. I was first introduced to his work by the Skyviewing Sculpture on campus and I have loved his work ever since. His work is so satisfying to me, it gives me a content feeling in my heart when I see his work I just have to smile. The scale of his works are always perfect and his shapes that he makes have such subtle curves and smooth transitions that are so satisfying to me that they border on sexual pleasure. I feel that he is truly a master of material, form, and scale. He is certainly one of if not my very favorite sculptors and being able to see his pieces in person only reaffirmed that for me. The museum was designed by Noguchi himself and it really showed the work beautifully. It might actually be my favorite place that we have visited so far. Feeling completely inspired.IMG_4806



-Beaudry Allen

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