Chelsea Market and friends!


My sister would be very excited for this day; her name is Chelsea, and that’s precisely where we adventured to. After attending a museum, Metro Pictures, we wandered around Chelsea and went to a few museums/ galleries along the way. There were a ton of galleries we all wanted to experience, so we broke into smaller groups and began our excursions. There was one particular gallery that Melissa, Julie and I wandered into that caught my eye: Gallery Henoch. This two floor gallery invited passerbys into its dwellings with not just extremely versatile pieces, but with the layout of the space itself.

This gallery had works on display that made me fall in love with painting all over again. The artists were all painters, but the ways in which they were able to manipulate their canvasses, techniques, and paint was like nothing I’d ever seen before. The particular piece that intrigued and fascinated me was a piece entitled Eureka by the painter Steve Smulka. Smulka’s ability to recreate a still life image in a hyper-realistic method of glass truly speaks volumes to his expertise.

I haven’t found myself that paralyzed and awestruck by a painting in quite a long time.

Although I’m only referring to Smulka’s work, the entire show is fantastic and it’s also posted on their website. That being said however, the images don’t do the works any justice.

smulka-Rebekkah James

For your dancing and listening pleasure, feel free to search their current exhibitions at Smulka’s work is included in detail as well as other numerous talented artists.

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