I approached the first museum with the standard check-list. I thought I had to see all the art history masters that fill the walls of the museum. Just a few hours into the first museum I was overwhelmed. I had to leave and sit outside on the steps. There was far too much to see in a day let alone a few hours. However after spending years studying the many artists that were represented in the museum there was finally a connection with all that I have been studying over the last few years.
The MET was an awesome museum to start with, even though it is impossible I was bummed that I wasn’t able to see everything there. My favorite exhibit was China Through The Looking Glass, really just the whole Asian Art wing. They had some really beautiful women’s fashion and I love a good Buddha. Right in the beginning of the exhibit there was an awesome installation featuring pieces by British fashion designer Craig Green on mannequins in a dense forrest of glass rods reaching about twenty feet high.
The MAD was really nice as well and the Richard Estes paintings were amazing. I have to say that my favorite thing that I saw there was jewelry by Swedish silversmith and master jeweler Vivianna Torun Bülow-Hübe. I love the elegance of her jewelry and this watch is one of the nicest designs I’ve seen in a while.
I’m very excited to see more and more in the coming days. I need MORE!
-Beaudry Allen
Everything is so overwhelming, visually and emotionally. It’s strange to be here as a tourist (and as an adult).
We went to the MET today. Not my first time. But I got to a exhibit that is now hands down my favorite for a long time. It was the “Through the Looking Glass”. Absolutely stunning. I think I put in my journal: “My inner costume designer just had a heart attack”.
-Julie M.
NYC First Impressions
I don’t really know what I was expecting. I have never been to the east coast, or even off the west coast for that matter, until last night. You always hear about the differences of the east and west coast and how much different they are, especially surrounding big cities like LA, San Fran, NY, and Boston. I have to say I was a little intimidated at first because NY didn’t seem like it was going to be a very forgiving city; I had heard that the people here are not as friendly as the west coast and for some reason I believed that. People are just people everywhere you go and there is no reason to be intimidated by them. I was also afraid that I would be overwhelmed by the density of the city and all of the tall buildings. I don’t know where that came from, I love that shit. Get at me, NYC.
-Beaudry Allen
The Fortune Teller
Day 2- The Met
Going to the met I was most excited to see Monet’s, Water Lilies. My Nana had stationary printed with the lilies when I was young and Monet’s lily series will always remind me of her. I anticipated having an emotional response while standing in front of these paintings. Though when I actually stood there, looked, appreciated, and recalled memories, I felt nothing. True, I had admiration for the handling of paint and the color composition, but it evoked nothing in me. I did the traditional tourist thing, had my picture taken and talked to strangers about art school, and moved on. I wandered the Met looking at art I had never seen, while reconigizing some from art history classes past. I turned a corner and saw Daumier’s, Third Class Carriage, and it startled me. I gasped. And wanted to cry from happiness and also empathy for the subject matter. This painting emits a raw essence of the poor in this carriage with a painfully beautiful tone. I’ve seen this painting many times in art history classes over the years, and never had the appreciation I felt seeing it in person. It was a truely astonishing experience.
Van Gough Future Prodigy
Walking into Van Gough’s Roses Exhibition today at the Met I was greeted by a woman splayed out on the floor in front of a child’s carriage. She was speaking to the child, who had to have been under a year old, repeating, over and over again, “some day you are going to paint just like this.” Eventually she left, taking the child with her, but I don’t know if I will ever view Van Gough’s Roses in the same light.
-J.L. Gazabat
Indian food is the best in NYC!
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.