Reflecting on your pitch and wrapping up Venture Project One
How did it go?
- With your team
With our team the project went amazing. The communication amongst all of us seemed very effortless, it was easy to schedule and attend consistent meetings, the expectations of everyone were very clear, and all of us were able to work together to clarify anything that seemed uncertain. I also really loved how my group had three upper E levels that really helped with teaching and clarifying things Isaiah (another E1) and I didn’t fully understand.
- With the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills
As far as evidence based entrepreneurship, I feel like I am getting a much better grasp on what that actually means. Some skills if not most are definitely still in development but it is all seeming to come together more now. I feel like especially after completing this first venture project it really helped me understand the class as a whole more as well as learn and practice evidence based entrepreneurship.
- With discovering a new brand opportunity?
Discovering new brand opportunities has been a blast! Especially when being placed in a group with like minded people ideas are never hard to come by. It almost feels like a recreational activity at this point to think about brands in a new way and try to find untapped opportunities for them. It’s especially fun when we pitch ideas into our group and they just keep getting built on with feedback from other group members.
What have you learned about yourself?
I have learned that I need an organized plan of action to tackle my objectives. If what is expected of me is unclear or hard to nail down it makes all of the work a million times harder. However, one thing that I have come to terms with is that in this class it seems like it is typical for assignments to not be laid out for you. After this project I now accept that as part of the work that needs to be done and use it as a chance to hone the skills of planning, organizing, and taking action.
From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?
I will definitely carry with me my understanding of how necessary it is to create some sort of plan. Understanding that to succeed I need to see the problem from all angles and first need to step back and see the bigger picture before breaking it into smaller pieces. I will also carry with me my new understanding of how these projects work and flow. I was new to the idea of evidence lockers and even just google drives filled with lots of parts. I feel like after completing this first project I understand it a bit more, had a nice introduction to it, and with VP2 will now get some more much needed hands on time utilizing these tools.
- Why is this important to you?
This is important to me because I am learning methods and tools that can be applied to any venture even ones outside of the classroom. It is also important to me because I wish to succeed in this class and seeing that I am actually learning and understanding new things that I didn’t three weeks ago shows me that I will be able to succeed in this class if I keep applying myself. Finally it is important to me because it shows growth, it shows that I already seem to have a better grasp on the course than I once did which is what in my opinion is absolutely crucial to life, the ability to learn, grow, and adapt.
“Discovering new brand opportunities has been a blast! Especially when being placed in a group with like minded people ideas are never hard to come by. It almost feels like a recreational activity at this point to think about brands in a new way and try to find untapped opportunities for them. ”
^^^ I love this. #quotedit
Thanks for bringing great productive and creative energy to our VP1 team. I can’t wait to see the traction you make as we grow throughout the quarter as entrepreneurs and innovators.
Reach out if you ever have any questions.