E2 Week 4 Traction Journal

What was the process you and your group took to create your Plan of Action? 

To create our plan of action we first wrote out our prompt and project name. After that, we listed all of our team’s contact info to allow for easy communication and hopefully prevent any difficulties. Next, we listed our teams’ strengths and weaknesses as well as our team goals. When creating our calendar we filled out all important dates and due dates. We also included all our meeting times. To finalize our plan of action we included a to-do list for everyone that will be actively updated. This will help to hold everyone accountable and be consistently updated. Another important thing is that we all have access to the plan of action so it can be consistently updated each week as we meet and the project develops.

What is your plan for sticking to the Plan of Action and holding one another accountable throughout the quarter? 

Our plan for sticking to the plan of action is to consistently meet every Monday. This way we are all kept up to date and can check in with everyone’s progress. Another thing which I mentioned above was the addition of the to-do list for everyone on the team. Since the to-do list is in a shared document it will dramatically help to hold everyone accountable since we can constanley see were the other team members are at in their progress.

How are you feeling about Venture Project Two? What areas do you feel good about? What areas do you need more clarity on?

I feel pretty good about VP2, it doesn’t seem too complex. However, I have been a bit confused about how much power we have over the project. At the beginning it seemed like we were responsible for the majority of the event, but now it is seeming like we have less and less power and are more of a company recruiting team and marketing team for the event. It certainly will take some exquisite communication between our team and the teaching staff. No matter what though I am sure just taking part in the event will be some good experience and overall a fun project.

We went downtown this week! What sparked your interest for you in the downtown tour?

Unfortunately, I have been extremely sick this week and on top of my current illness even go pink eye so I was not able to go down town this week. However, recently, before I got sick I was spending much more time downtown this quarter than ever before, and I have to say, there is a lot about downtown Bellingham that sparks my interest. This city seems like it has some serious potential and will likely grow into that potential as the urban sprawl continues and populations increase. One thing I noticed is it really seems like a historical and potentially a tourist town. There are tons of great signage scattered around the city as well as plenty of musems. One thing that makes me sad however and I hope to see change is that it seems like there a quite a bit of empty or abanded storefronts. One day when I was walking around I even noticed what seemed to be an abandoned or shut down salmon spawning facility. Hopefully Bellingham will be able to grow into its potential while still maintaining its quaint small town feel, and hopefully some of us can be apart of that development.

One thought on “E2 Week 4 Traction Journal

  1. Harrison May 10, 2022 / 8:44 pm

    Its nice to have a team for your project, the meetings will help you guys stay on track with the POA. Be prepared though for your E3 project since you might have to work solo to get prepared for starting your own venture. As an E3 right now, one tip I have is to stay proactive with your POA while you still have a team because it’s a beneficial habit to have.

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