Reflecting on your pitch and wrapping up Venture Project One
How did it go?
With your team?
Although our project is not fully completed yet it has gone amazing. Our team has been really good about meeting consistently as well as having consistent communications. Everyone seems eager to learn and eager to contribute. In addition to this, it seems like the work has been getting divided up evenly which is super nice. It’s especially motivating when you are not the only one spending additional time on the project and really giving it your best effort.
With the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills?
With evidence-based entrepreneurship skills, I feel like we are doing really well. I think we are really giving the E1s a good base to work off of and I feel like I also have been elevating my skills since last quarter. An example of this is last quarter I would collect interviews, but the interviewees were not specifically people of interest or people in the specific niche we are targeting. However, this quarter we are starting off strong with a language barrier project, and everyone we have interviewed or plan to interview actually has the experiences that contribute to our niche. More specifically we are interviewing people who actually have language issues, hearing issues, or experiences not speaking the language of the country they live in.
With discovering a new accessibility opportunity?
At first, this prompt seemed really difficult to me. I really didn’t like how broad it was and wished we had a bit more direction. However, after we started with a small idea it quickly grew much larger and became easier and easier to grow and adapt. So as far as discovering the accessibility opportunity it has been going well.
What have you learned about yourself?
I feel like this project has certainly opened my mind a bit more to accessibility. I now feel much more conscious and aware of issues people might potentially face. I have learned that I am very blessed to not have many accessibility issues myself. I have also learned that keeping accessibility issues in mind should be an aspect of basically every venture.
From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?
I think moving on to venture project two I will try to keep accessibility issues in mind.
Why is this important to you?
This is important to me because if I were to create something worth using or worth experiencing I would want everyone to be able to experience it, I would not want to exclude anyone. I also think this is really important because right now accessibility issues can be really hard to solve. However, if we collectively work towards solutions the solutions will slowly become easier and easier.
Hey Gabe,
I think that venture idea for accessibility with language barriers is super cool and quite relevant, especially here in the US. I’ve got to experience that barrier myself when I first moved here. I’m really curious about how your project turns out and what you end up creating with your group!
Hi Gabe,
I love how we’re all learning so much about the problems and environment around us. I agree with you that these prompts definitely have made me more aware of my surroundings and potential solutions all around. I’m glad you’re still in this class and I think your personality is a great fit for being an entrepreneur