Reflecting on this first week on a Venture Project One Team…
How’s it going?
- With your team
Although I am only an E1 and have not yet experienced any other Venture Projects with teams I feel I have been placed in a highly effective group. We have been able to maintain fluid communication among the cohort through Microsoft teams, and other group chats which greatly contributes to our success. In addition to that, we have also been able to conduct consistent meetings through zoom where we discuss and divide up work. After meeting and getting to know my team a little better I would also say we have a good variety of skills which most definitely will assist in our ability to conquer the project. Overall I am very happy with the group I have been placed in as we have all been able to manage work without any miscommunication as well as cordially aid each other on topics we are less sure about.
- With the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills
As far as evidence-based entrepreneurship skills, I would say I am definitely getting a solid grasp on the concepts as well as being introduced to new methods and ideas. It has been very exciting to learn and apply new skills. However, I do feel like the learning of new skills and the practice of them has been hindered due to the choice of continuing online. I learn much better with in-person face-to-face classes and I am sure this is also the case for many of my fellow classmates. Unfortunately, as of now, we can not really change this aspect, so we are forced to adapt.
- With discovering a new brand opportunity?
I have really enjoyed discovering new brand opportunities for this rebrand. I find it very fascinating and enjoyable to think about brands as far as how they can improve. It has even gotten to the point where ideas will pop into my head even while I am not attending class or doing school work. I think this is a really good sign as it depicts a greater understanding, or at least a desire to achieve a greater understanding of the course material.
Extra Week 2 Traction Journal Prompt
How are you preparing for success this quarter?
This quarter I am preparing for success with a tracking and goal-based method. I have obtained a planner, calendar, and whiteboard, all of which will be utilized to organize and track the goals and objectives I have. Using this strategy I will be able to see days and weeks I am more successful. Every night I write down all my objectives onto my whiteboard, I then check off the objectives I complete and can rate my day on a grade scale (A, A-, B, B-, C, etc.) which will be placed on the calendar for the day. This strategy will help me to easily observe days and weeks I was more successful and then reflect on what methods worked towards more success and what methods failed to result in success.
As far as more specific ways I am preparing for success, I am doing my best effort to stay organized and ahead of tasks when I am able to. I also am doing my best to consistently meditate as well as exercise to fortify my mental health and not let external factors have as drastic of an impact on me throughout the quarter. One thing I want to work on this quarter to prepare for success is to continue to develop a social circle that contributes to my personal and academic success. Another goal I have for this quarter that relates to preparing for success is finding a mentor of some kind.
What do you expect for E-level journey this quarter? (eg- first quarter, second quarter, etc.)
This quarter I expect to be rapidly incorporated into the entrepreneurship and innovation community here at western. I expect to understand myself better throughout the quarter as well as understand what abilities I need to work harder on relating to the entrepreneurship and innovation field. Within this first quarter, I foresee myself making many new friends and possibly mentors along the way. I am excited for this new community I will become a part of and hope for it to result in great things!