E2 Week 10 Traction Journal

Overall, how was this quarter for you?

Overall this quarter went pretty well for me. This class felt more manageable which was super nice. I think that might have been due to me taking a smaller amount of credits than last quarter but nevertheless, it was still nice. Another thing I liked about this quarter was reaching the end and actually throwing the event. It was super satisfying to see all of our work throughout the quarter turn into something really visible. In addition to this, I liked working with all of the other E2s this quarter. It felt like a good team and it didn’t feel like too big of a group or too small.

How did you develop as an entrepreneur throughout the quarter?

This quarter my networking ability was definitely enhanced. There were many times this quarter when I found myself going out of my way to network with people when I normally wouldn’t have. This happened many times outside of class this quarter which was really cool to see. Also for the event, lots of networking and really utilizing networks had to be practiced. All of this combined certainly contributed to my networking ability improving.

What are you hoping to carry forward from this quarter?

I am hoping to carry forward the friendships and connections that I made and furthered this quarter. I am also hoping to take forward the networking improvements that occurred this quarter, as well as the experience from throwing the event.

What are you hoping to leave behind from this quarter?

I am hoping to leave behind any and all stress, discomfort, and anxiety from this quarter.

What was your highlight from E&I this Spring?

My highlight from E&I this quarter definitely was seeing the event that we put together actually come to life. It was really satisfying to see some of my friends attending the event. What really amplified that moment was when the sun escaped from behind the clouds to create a nice ambiance of a sunny afternoon in Bellingham to set the scene for our event.

2 thoughts on “E2 Week 10 Traction Journal

  1. claussb June 1, 2022 / 5:16 pm

    Hey Gabe, I know exactly what you mean about feeling satisfaction from watching all your work come to life. Hopefully you can take this feeling forward into the understanding of how important it is to launch before you are ready. There has never been a successful business which doesn’t launch. By waiting until everything is ready, you’ve waited too long. I can’t overemphasize enough, launch before you are ready. This way if your idea is crap, you can pivot or move on. It seems like you’ve had a really nice and impactful quarter. Confidence is key for you to overcome the storms you’ll face, and I can tell this event has leveled up your entrepreneurial self-confidence. You should also know that your traction journals have had a lot of wisdom in them, for example TJ 9 especially struck me. It’s awesome to see you developing as an entrepreneur! Hope you have a great summer Gabe. Best wishes to you.

  2. johns972 June 2, 2022 / 6:36 pm

    Hey Gabe,

    I’m so glad to hear that networking has improved for you, this class is great at giving you the confidence and practice talking with people so that it’s easier to approach people you wouldn’t have been comfortable reaching out to on your own in the past. We did it! Congrats on making it through the quarter!

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