To answer our question, “Is social media making communication easier?”, we turned to two different methods to collect data. Our first method was to use a survey. We put together a set of questions that all revolved around social media and communication. We first asked questions of the participants age, and when they started using social media and technology. This would help see if there is a trend in when you are first exposed to social media and how much you depend on it for communication. Then we had various questions asking their preference towards certain social media platforms and how much they use social media. Our next method to collect data was interviews. We went around campus asking a variety of people to participate. For our interviews we did three short questions asking what method they use to communicate the most and why. Asking only three questions made our data more concise and allowed us to conduct a larger number of interviews. With surveys we answered the what of how people communicate, with interviews we could get the why. This gave us a lot more insight into why people saw social media as such a useful tool for communication.