What we Learned



While almost 90% of people use social media/text to contact people over 35% of people prefer to contact people in person. Circle graph, Which way do you contact people the most? 89.6% say through social media/textCircle graph, What is your preferred method to contact people? 35.85% say in person, 22.4% say call and 40.3% say through social media/text

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Social Media Survey

Both our questions, is social media ruing face to face communication or making communication easier, is answered with 95% of people agreeing that talking in person makes for better communication and about 84% agreeing social media has made communication easier. 
Circle graph, Talking in person makes for better communication. 74.6% strongly agree and 19.4% agree Circle graph, Social media has made communication easier. 9% are neutral, 44.8% agree and 38.8% strongly agree


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