Interview #1

1: A lot of teachers were sub-par, but he had a few good teachers, and wanted to emulate them.

2: He saw how much he learned from good teachers vs. a bad teacher.

3: “One really bad teacher” stood out.

4: He studied computers at Sno-isle, a technical school, where he had a nice but poorly performing teacher. He realized just because you were a “cool” teacher didn’t mean you were a good teacher. Sno-isle required students to do an internship. He decided to intern in a 4th grade class and got to teach 4th graders about computers.

5: He tutored for extra money and came to the realization that he enjoyed it a lot.

6: Due to his work at the Elevated Sportz trampoline park and event center, he got to interact with kids on a daily basis. He realized he was good at working with children and wanted to pursue it further.

Interview #2

1: “When I was in 5th grade, I realized I wanted to be a teacher.  My fifth grade teacher made me feel at home; she really cared and made elementary school really fun.  Throughout high school, I had teachers that really cared and made me feel important. I still talk to them.”

2: “Growing up, I was always lost in a book.  I would devour books. I liked series and fantasy.  Harry Potter was one of my biggest loves.”

3: “I liked all types of literacy growing up.”

4: ” A school influence that led to me becoming a teacher was all the teachers I encountered.  Another big one was that I always seemed to be helping people and the adults noticed and created opportunities for me to do it in the school setting.”

5: “Outside of school I was involved in several volunteer organization and always gravitated towards the opportunities that involved working with kids.  I worked a few hours at a preschool and reading at the local elementary school.”

6: “A paying job, no. However, I did take a job working with and around kids because it would help me get to my goal of teaching on my resume.”

Interview #3

1: “I was already good at helping and working with the other students in my classrooms from an early age.”

2: “I enjoyed writing and reading.”

3: “I always struggled with musical literacy which was a bummer because I was in a lot of music classes growing up.”

4: “In all honesty, no.”

5: “Not really.”

6: “I tutored elementary school aged kids before, and quite enjoyed it.”

Interview #4

1: “Decided I wanted to teach English at a young age due to my love of language and passion for writing.”

2: “Enjoyed reading from a young age although I sometimes struggled with writing.”

3: “I struggled with mathematical literacy.”

4: “Teaching was always a career that was suggested to me due to my passion for literature.”

5: “My family.”

6. “No.”

Interview #5

1: Recommended teaching due to her leadership abilities.

2: Good with musical literacy.

3: Struggled and still struggles with writing.

4: Recommended teaching at an early age for reasons stated above.

5: No.

6: No.

Interview #6

1: “I have two younger sisters and I liked teaching them about anything and everything I could think of! I was also homeschooled for three years and liked how my mom taught me. Finally, I had a few teachers in school that were very passionate about teaching, which made me see how enjoyable the job can be.”

2: “I really enjoyed reading mystery books.”

3: “I didn’t like horror or biographies about historical figures very much.”

4: “I had a couple of teachers who really enjoyed teaching, were passionate about the subjects they taught, and worked hard to build relationships will all their students. I strive to be like them!”

5: “My mother was a strong advocate for me to become a teacher. She felt that I have the right mix of traits to thrive in this profession.”

6: “I considered being a marine biologist, but ultimately chose not to because I wanted to be more in touch with youth and have a stronger, more direct impact on their life experience.”


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