Hello From WWU Chapter NSSLHA

The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is the only national student organization for pre-professionals studying communication sciences and disorders (CSD) recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).


The Western Washington University NSSLHA chapter invites students from all majors, not just CSD students, to join in order to build new connections, new friendships, and form a strong and diverse community within the Western Family! We seek diversity among Western’s majors by encouraging anyone to join NSSLHA. In NSSLHA, we deliver tools that will help in navigating your academic career while also preparing you for your professional one. We are more than just a club; we are members of a community, which seeks to inspire, empower, and support all students.

To become a member of NSSLHA you need to pay a $5, one time only due, and attend 2-3 meetings each quarter. During our meetings you will have the opportunity to hear speakers from different professions within the CSD field as well as Graduates from programs around the country. Our goal is to provide our members with a variety of occasions to ask questions about their future endeavors. Outside of our “business” events we also host social events and celebrate holidays together. In addition, we volunteer our time to work with our community by fundraising for different causes that are near to our hearts. Participating in such ways has been such a rewarding and valuable experience not only for the good of the community and organizations, but for our members as well! In the past our biggest fundraiser every year has been a silent auction at the Boundary Bay Brewery. All the proceeds of this event go directly to Western’s Speech-Hearing Clinic. This year, we will also participated in the Virtual Walk for Apraxia to help raise awareness of childhood Apraxia.

To be a member of the local WWU NSSLHA chapter you do not need to be a member of national NSSLHA. However, if you choose to, the annual national NSSLHA membership dues are $60. There partial and full national NSSLHA membership waivers that can be found at https://www.nshss.org/fee-waiver/. National membership has many benefits including NSSLHA to ASHA conversion, discounts to ASHA special interest groups, networking, scholarship eligibility, student leadership opportunities and members honors. In addition, students are able to join one of the seven multicultural constituency groups.

If you would like to join the WWU chapter of NSSLHA, or just have questions, email our secretary (found on the about us page) and then look for an invitation on canvas, where future meetings and events are announced. Once you have accepted our Canvas invitation you will have access to recorded meetings, volunteer opportunities, and valuable tips for applying to graduate programs. Your success is our success, and we can’t wait to meet you!

Article written by dawsonc8

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