Tag Communication

Navigating Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace

This presentation is about navigating intergenerational communication in the workplace. Organizational Behavior Presentation.pptx  

Keeping Your Team Happy; Improvements Made to the Remote Workspace and its Effect on Productivity

The focal point of this research is to examine the managerial role in cultivating a workplace environment that is accommodating, productive, and engaging to its employees due to the collective transition towards remote workspaces. This study delves into the research… Continue Reading →

How Top-Down Communication changed during the Covid- 19 pandemic and how to improve for future issues during a crisis

      In this presentation, we discuss the challenges of top-down communication that the Covid pandemic has brought on. The Global Impact of the covid 19 pandemic has left many employees and employers without answers to what their futures… Continue Reading →

The Ever-Present Problem of Presenteeism

This presentation examines the phenomenon of presenteeism in detail by exploring research and its challenges to date, the scope of the problem, COVID-19 and economic crises contexts for the problem, and empirical understandings of harms and potential solutions for the… Continue Reading →

Managers Maintaining Motivation of their Employees in an Online Setting During COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction During the past year, millions of managers went from working in person to working remotely.  It is important for managers to maintain motivation in these unprecedented times. Even though they are not in the same environment as their coworkers,… Continue Reading →

Communication and COVID-19

Our blog focuses on the importance of communication between managers/supervisors and employees in finance and accounting industries, and how it has been affected by COVID-19.   PricewaterhouseCoopers. (n.d.). COVID-19 and the banking and capital markets industry. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from https://www.pwc.com/us/en/library/covid-19/coronavirus-banking-and-capital-markets.html  Price Waterhouse… Continue Reading →

A Glitch in Communication: The Organizational Flaws Between Marketers and Coders

Mission Statement : For a more functional workplace environment it’s important for each group to be able to communicate with one another and understand any issues that come up. Marketers and Coders tend to think completely differently so to find… Continue Reading →

Mindful Communication Annotated Bibliography

Why is mindful communication needed in a culturally diverse workplace? Badizadegan, D. and Shell, E. (Producers). (2016, September 7). Healing broken teams from inside out [Audio podcast] retrieved from https://ecorner.stanford.edu/podcasts/healing-broken-teams-from-inside-out The focus of this podcast is about coach Michael Terrell’s… Continue Reading →

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