Tag Organizational Structure

Motivation in the Tech Sector and WFH

Companies may want to examine who should and should not stay at home based on the above factors. Companies can examine the quantity/quality of work done from home against work done in the office to make a decision. Effectively utilizing… Continue Reading →

The Influence of Stock Options on Engagement and Employee Performance

The Influence of Stock Options on Engagement and Employee Performance By Nick Conrad, Josh Elder, Tyler Ingram, Leon Iskhakbayev, and Keoni Terrana   Attempting to garner consistent, productive employee engagement is a challenge in every workplace. Without the proper engagement,… Continue Reading →

Digital Nomadic Culture and its Impacts on Organizational Structure and Job Satisfaction

Annotated Bibliography Bean, C.J, & Eisenberg, E.M. (2006). Employee sensemaking in the transition to nomadic work work. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 210 This article gave great insight into how times are changing and how people are starting to value… Continue Reading →

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