Within this piece it was relatively short and concise. The article starts off with them describing how these dogs look and their temperament Next was the history of what cross breeding that lead them to become what they are, and lastly how these dogs need to be taken care of. They mention these dog are easy to take care of, but downside to their perfect looks and personality they have a high risk of medical problems such as obesity, hip dysplasia, and other conditions. The intended audience of this would be subscriber to modern dog magazine, and almost any dog lover would love this piece as well. It was short so it took me 10 to 15 minutes to read and I am guessing that it would be around 10 – 30 for most reader to spend on this article. It was in a very casual tone, not informal but formal enough to be publish for the general audience. This writing was simple and informative it literally spit out facts  after facts as well as description of these dogs. Since it was so informative like it did not really evoke any emotion as a reader in my opinion. The layout of how the author wrote it was interesting she started of describing the dream dogs to have what they look like. Then moved onto their personality along with a light joke how these dogs are not dumb blondes. Next she went into briefly living environment and common medical problems these dog encounter. I really like her closing how at the end of the day these dog are worth it and they will for sure become your best friend. So again highlighting the classic traits of these golden were again; gentle, intelligent, lovable, adorable and so on. Shining the same light as the previous few that we have seen so far. Basically the idea are how amazing these golden retrievers are, and how they are the perfect addition to the family.

Citation: Warb, Jessica. “The Golden Retriever.” Modern Dog Magazine, Moderndog, moderndogmagazine.com/breeds/golden-retriever.