So this website is very similar to the layout of what I would be making. A main page with many subpage that lead to different topic. Their interesting thing is their site contain information on  golden retriever as a breed, adopting them, events, and about their organization. I believe the main focus of this site is the fact that it is heavily supported by the Golden Retriever Club of America. Beside the information of these dogs they are trying to promote, persuade and inform viewers to become a member of their organization. They want viewer to join them in protect this breed of dog and be educated of their dog. I think what makes this site so different is that they have a merchandise section and they sell everything from clothing to cards.  The language itself is formal but easy to read. It does not really evoke much emotion. However time spent on this source is undetermined because you can become and member and call it good or you could stay browse at each given tab. On there many subpage the about page on the breed contains a lot of in depth information on these dog more than most of the source I have visited so far. Each section from what they like to do, to history of the breed, health and research, and so on are link to more sites. It is fairly complex as a website but on outer perspective it is just a site broken down to page with subheading and then it takes you to smaller topic with that topic. As I finished browsing through I realized that most pages describe golden retrievers having a rich heritage, popular, and are a beauty. Which again reinforcing that golden retrievers are well like by most and are adorable and lovable dogs.

Citation:“Golden Retriever Club of America.” Golden Retriever Club of America, 2015,