Genome wide association of golden retriever this article is about the study of canine specifically golden retriever in relation to mass cell tumor. This is a skin tumor that is quite common in dogs, and studies have shown that specific breed are more prone to this disease. The end goal of this research was to relating it back to human since human and pet have many similar diseases or problem. Since these golden retriever tend to develop this disease the most studying them would allow us to gain insight on where it is coming from, and allow us to develop ways to counter this particular disease. This is a very formal writing since it is basically a research paper with scientific finding of some sort. On the side the paper was in a format with multiple sections; abstract, author summary, introduction, results, and so on. Therefore I think the intended audience were researchers or biology students. They would be the most interested in this article and would actually be able to fully understand and use the information that is present in the article. The amount of time I spend briefly reading the article was solid 30 minutes, but I am a fast reader. So audience can spend a little as 30 minutes or countless hours depending on their identity. If I was a student just reading a piece of article then yeah, but it was another research then it might take longer I don’t particular think this article really evoke much emotion in my opinion. However golden retriever again are proven to be helpful. Indeed this time it isn’t in a family pet dog setting but instead it in a research lab. At the end of the day what can’t these dogs do from lovable pet to heroic lab dogs that would aid in the process of curing mast cell tumor in humans.

Citation: Arendt, Maja L., et al. “Genome-Wide Association Study of Golden Retrievers Identifies Germ-Line Risk Factors Predisposing to Mast Cell Tumours.” PLOS Genetics, Public Library of Science, 20 Nov. 2015,