Hi everyone,

I am Diana the author behind this website. By now I hope you have figured out my theme is golden retrievers. That right a site bring you all kind of medium and genres on golden retriever, however do know that I love all my canines. Growing up I always wanted a dog, but unfortunately my mom is allergic to fur from these fluffy animals. I thought that my favorite genre would either be the movies or the book. I love to read therefore a fantasy fiction is easy. As for the movies well it brings back childhood memories I use to watch the air buddies all the time. Sadly there wasn’t a new genre I particularly liked in fact most of them are in my everyday life in some way. So they weren’t exactly new. I think one of the main challenges is find out a thing that could be a potential new genre, but realizing it didn’t quite fit my theme. I was going to use Marley and Me as the book, but then later realize Marley wasn’t a golden retriever instead it was a yellow lab retriever. However I think the most interesting piece I had to incorporate into this was the peer review piece. Just cause it was so formal and it was literally about research on the genes that were causing the mast cell tumor. It was just so different to all the piece where they say golden retriever are the best family pet they have the beauty and the personality. Instead I had to throw in how heroic these dogs are and their contribution to the human society. Overall I think it was really fun being able to get to know these dogs. From how to take care of them to their history. Not to mention I kept see these adorable golden faces from puppy to adult they retain their cuteness.