Animal planet

I saw a documentary Dogs 101; Golden Retriever published or sponsored by animal planet. Unlike the movie this one was a 5 minutes short informative clip. Since it was on animal planet the language itself as simple and concise, but formal. I believe since the video was structure like this because I think it is shown like to more of the kids group. Since these are common educational video that is highly likely shown in elementary schools to kids. The narrator keep a monotone through the clip. The clip had quite a bit of information, and was back by multiple credible people; like the chief veterinarian, a behavior consultant, author, and so on. It was more on the informative side and the way they present things was description of the dogs behavior and then a short few second of a specialist restating and explaining those “facts”. Also in the film there as not only inform audience of the nature of these golden retriever, but it also briefly explain how can to be and the history of how they originated. However I also felt that this video was persuasive, as an audience, I felt like the video was trying to convince viewer that are looking for a good and safe family dog then goldens are the “one”.  Within the film they went in depth of how these dogs are low in terms of their ranking as barker, has a soft mouth that can hold raw eggs without breaking them, and are still ranked high amongst popular dogs. Then the explain how they dog are so versatile they can live in almost any environment. Of course that is if they get their exercise activity and grooming somewhere along the lines they are happy. Lastly I don’t really think this information video evoke much emotion, other than the desire to want to get one of these dogs for myself. However the documentary once again proves how lovable these dogs can be, and again highlighting their classical trademark traits and personalities.

Citation: “Golden Retriever – Dogs 101 | Animal Planet.” Animal Planet – Full Episodes and Exclusive Videos, 2019,