Official golden retriever page

Golden Retriever, @officalgoldenretriever is one out of many pages created on facebook about dogs. However the reason why this page drew me compared to others was that it has about roughly 2.2 million followers and not to mention it was a place for only golden retrievers. At the very beginning I assumed that this page was all about posting cute picture of golden retriever as well as videos of them doing either cute or stupid things. However I learn to realized they also sell merchandise on their page. From I have encounter so far I see hoodies and shirts so basically clothing. Their intended audience are still young adult and adults considering it is on facebook. The fact that it is on social media the language is informal, but has to be appropriate. As for the purpose I personally thought it was a mix of persuading of getting a golden, informative of tips of caring them, and of course to entertain. Each post were short, if its a photo most people spend a few seconds to drop a comment, like, or share. If it was a video they are usually between 30 seconds to a few minutes. I don’t think there are that much emotion evoked personally since it is normally a picture, but there are some sensitive  people out there. They do include some bare information for these dogs like linking articles that are helpful to owners that has golden retrievers. Lastly they have a section under the review tab that shows a list of 200+ people recommending golden retrievers. Most of them wrote a short piece saying what these dogs are like. Again I see how they are praising how good these dogs are around the young ones, and then there were the recurring traits of how loyal, smart, loving, and gentle these dogs are.

Citation: “Golden Retriever.” Facebook, 10 Jan. 2010,