Arrival: Host Country & Cultural Immersion

After 6 months living in Spain my favorite part remains the slow paced Andalusian life. Every day I wander the winding cobblestone streets of Seville and watch Spanish life unfold as it has for centuries. Seville is a very relaxed city known for its life ‘sin prisa’ or without hurry. The locals here are very friendly and outgoing, I have met many Spanish students who are eager to do Spanish-English language exchanges with Americans. Every week I meet with locals over coffee to practice Spanish and help them with their English which has been a great way to make new friends while also learning the language. The university I go to is one of the oldest buildings in the city, once a royal tobacco factory it is now one of the prominent tourist attractions in the city. Every day hundreds of tourists walk through the school, amazed at the university I have the privilege of attending. My classes are a mix of fun and educational with topics ranging from Spanish cooking to painting the city. My classes are only for Americans so I have met many unique and creative people from all over the country. Once a week I volunteer at an elderly residence for men in the city center which has helped me practice my Spanish while acquiring volunteer hours. The residence is a historic former-hospital in Seville that has been converted to part museum and part elderly residence. At the residence I’m given a different task most visits, normally I do puzzles or play dominoes with the men but sometimes I help staff with chores. Since this is my second semester in Spain I didn’t experience any culture shock when I arrived, I was already adjusted to life in Seville. Before I arrived I wanted to speak more fluently by the end of the semester, my Spanish has improved significantly since I’ve been here and I expect with more practice I will eventually speak fluently. My semester so far has met my expectations, I’ve stuck with my goals and hope to continue improving over time.

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