Tagged: Alt text

Extension C – Analyze visual rhetoric at Western

As I went through my day on campus today I found these posters. The first three were all right next to each other and for the current Associated Student campaign. Each campaign poster had a picture of the person running and other simplistic details. These simplistic details such as position, dates, and slogan all were quick to read and eye catching. The smiling faces drew views in to these important details. The variations between them such as background and color scheme were what set them apart. Even though they were all in close proximity each were different to a point of interest. I believe that the details that were successful in these three campaign posters were the light colors and large font on their names and the word “VOTE”. Also the simplistic text works well for this type of poster because it gets the individuals campaign focus across in an easy and quick way. Later, when I came into my dorm I was waiting for the elevator and noticed the last two posters. In these two posters what drew me in were the colors and graphics. Although each have different goals, promoting protected sex and scholarship help, each have simple easy to understand text. While waiting for the elevator people don’t have much time so these posters needed to simply and quickly get their message across. “Western Wears” and “Snacks & Scholarship” are each not very descriptive yet they are able to encompass the posters goal. Once those titles interest people than those who want more details can read the smaller print. Throughout all these posters they all had a common trend of simplistic text. I had the goal to go through my normal day and see what posters caught my eye and were able to achieve the daily task of informing viewers of their purpose. All these posters were able to do that out of the other informational displays I see everyday on campus.