Our existence as humans is characterized by an eternal, dichotomous conflict between the forces of order and chaos. The stable structures of our societies are erected to combat the uncertainty and mercilessness of nature and the cosmos. Systems of language and symbols condense unwieldy abstractions into concrete communications. The known battles against the unknown.

In pursuit of a sustainable balance between order and chaos, we contracted a pathological addiction to the former. Seduced by order, we flagged any and all chaos as an evil necessary of eradication. As humanity progressed through the 20th century, this addiction reached its boiling point. Industrialization subjugated and exploited mother nature, governments tightened regulation and control, and mass genocide sought radical genetic homogenization.

But, as the inverse dots exist within yin and yang, the dance between order and chaos is a mutually inclusive symbiosis. In defense against the tyrannical crusade of order emerged an agent of chaos. A feral frenzy of broken rules, improvisational anarchy, and untamed emotion.

Jazz was born.

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