One of the most intimate ways to express the genre of jazz is through dance. There is an element of jazz to almost every form of dance, however there is one style that truly and accurately encaptures its essence.

Swing dance arose concurrently with jazz in the early 1900’s. It provided a physical way of expressing and transmuting the chaotic energy jazz provided. Attached is a video compilation of dancers across time, race, and location doing just that. The swing style maintains a bustling, vivacious animation, while still adhering to a steady rhythm. This rhythm is broken sporadically for improvisational moves such as spins and flips. The dance appears jittery and abrupt while remaining fluid and pliable. All these characterizations of swing are reflections of the musical aspects of jazz. The steady drum rhythm, improvisational fills, the jittery stabs of horns, the fluid sweeps of bass and guitar.

Additionally, swing dancing was also a reflection of the political nature of jazz. As shown in the video, no demographic of people was excluded from the activity. It served as a communal, connective tool, bringing people together under one universally shared and appreciated experience. Swing and jazz jointedly countered the pathological orders of their time.

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