Just as we theorized, but not really…

Our generation is a visual one, regardless of political party. We prefer to see what is happening as it is happening in the palm of our hands and there is no denying this fact. From our results we found that students prefer the internet over other forms of information outlets. This was as we had predicted, since the internet can be easily accessible with the proper resources available to those looking for the latest news updates.

Although, we found some surprises in our results that we had not planned on receiving. When starting this research, we expected students to prefer large news outlets, as they are convenient and accessible through phones and online. Yet, the results we got back told another story. Students prefer and trust their local news for updates and tracking coverage over national platform outlets such as MSNBC or Fox News.

Overall, most students felt they let bias influence how they pick and choose their news. The majority of Democratic students feel they let bias control where they receive their news from. Almost all the subjects felt they share in the bias they feel towards opposing parties beliefs.