Considering the unique situation that we’re in and the strange times that we’re living through together, this project addresses some aspect of being ”ALONE TOGETHER” during the pandemic. It includes all three photo classes taught during the spring term of 2020: ART 370 B&W, ART 372 Color, and ART 397H Image & Culture.
To see the entire portfolio, go here.

R.I.P George Floyd Series
In light of George Floyd’s death, we see a tsunami of #BlackLivesMatter content in our social media. However, I wanted to show the people in Bellingham that the issues POC face are not just online or in larger far away cities hosting the protests and riots, they are everywhere. Even in our out-of-the-way town. In my response to his death and the outrage that ensued, I posted signs in busy intersections and in front of popular stores. I did this to physically show that these issues can be right next to you as you drive or walk by, that the racism black people deal with is everywhere and every day for them.

Benjamin Herr
Title: “Alone (Together)”
This image is representative of an event which caused the people of Bellingham (of various sizes and ages) to congregate together and cry out in outrage of the murder of George Floyd; despite the social distancing protocols that were set in place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This is my favorite photo taken for my one a day project titled Quarantine Green. These neighbors weren’t afraid of catching a virus and visited the yard frequently.”

Alone But Not Lonely: I took this photo on one of my many quarantine drives during the past couple months in Colorado. While socializing is fairly difficult due to the pandemic, spending time alone is not. Although some people don’t find isolation beneficial, I would argue that being by yourself can have positive results. My solo adventures have led to ghost town discoveries, fields of free range cows and all around great memories that I will hold near and dear to my heart for years to come.
-Sadie Sullivan

Nathan Allen Wilkinson
Hue Archive: Green Still Life
May 2, 2020