Megan Davies Mira Fogelsonger Nathan Wilkinson
February 9 – March 24, 2022
Fine Arts Second Floor Hallway Exhibition Space (Rm 202)
The WWU Photography Department is very excited to introduce another BIG HEADS exhibition on display in the photography concentration exhibition space on the second flood or the Fine Arts building. This project is a direct result of working with a large format camera and investigating ideas surrounding portraiture. The students not only acquired skills in the lighting studio, but also developed technical tools for the development of large negative and view camera images.
This show features the work of our talented students: Lilly Allison, Sophia Anderson, Meg Burris, Halle Dagley , Megan Davies, Mira Fogelsonger, Jack Helfrich, Audrey Hemmert, Adele Houston, Matthew Marinez, Brooklyn Miller, Claire Pardue, Olivia Pierce, Aleksander Sved, and Nathan Wilkinson. A special thank you to Ben Herr, Art 371’s TA.
Check out the work on display now!