May 4th – June 1st, 2022
FI First Floor Exhibition Space
This quarter students from the Art 372 Color Photography class investigated the world of polaroids. Utilizing the wide format, students explored color relationships, texture, form, and light, all while learning to slow down and experiment with this analog camera. This exhibition does not only address issues of color, it identifies ideas surrounding altering scale and traditional photographic formats.
This showcase features the talents of: Lilly Allison, Bo Baird, Meg Burris, Rachel Correll, Megan Davies, Mira Rani, Ashlee Graves, Mads Hall, Ben Herr, Brooklyn Miller, and Olivia Pierce.
Special thank you to Nathan Cranston, Ben Herr, and Bo Baird for all of their hard work bringing this exhibition together.

You can see the exhibition for yourself May 4th – June 1st, in the FI First Floor Exhibition space.