The WWU Photography Concentration portfolio book began in collaboration with Professor Garth Amundson as a collection of images responding to being a photography student during the Covid-19 pandemic- a way to build community within the photography concentration, to create a sense of contact and manifest exchange. Now on its 9th iteration, the images in this book reveal a continually-shifting relationship to the pandemic, a sort of defining of “post-pandemic normal”
The Winter 2023 WWU Portfolio book is available for purchase here:
Across the globe, the power of the photographic image continues to prove essential as virtual connections are made with cameras and have further become a necessary vehicle for maintaining dialogue. All the work submitted explores and investigates this unprecedented moment in time.
Forced to reconsider our traditional physical portfolio exchange, the class approached Dana Ollestad in the spring of 2020 to discuss alternatives. For years, Dana has been producing books as a final project, culmination, and reflection for his online courses.
Students involved in this portfolio:
Adriana Hall,
Aspen Moore,
Ava Weller,
Brittany Stillings,
Daniel Pearl,
Elaine Lampard,
Elle Roark,
Emma Barry,
Gabriella Laureano,
Gage White,
Hannah Lerman,
Jada Kleinman,
Jonathan Puha,
Joshua Jinkens,
Jude Klemmeck,
Keely B. Sandoz,
Logan Lasell,
Monty Hild,
Neviah Leer,
Priya Shalauta,
Ruby Sachs,
Sarah Harder,
Sophie Jangard,
Special thanks to Garth Amundson, Pierre Gour and Dana Ollestad, all of whom included their own photos in the collection and worked in the creation of this book.
Thank you!