Big Heads: Sports

Big Heads: Sports

Students in the Introductory Black and White Photography class just debuted their project titled Big Heads: Sports on the second floor of Carver Gymnasium! The pieces will be on display until December 11th so make sure to stop by and check out the full exhibition if...
Seattle Art Museums

Seattle Art Museums

One of the great things about going to school in Bellingham is its proximity to great cities like Seattle and Vancouver. Both cities are less than a two hour drive from campus and both offer great connections to the international art scene. To get to Seattle, if you...
Syre Center/Whatcom Museum Field Trip

Syre Center/Whatcom Museum Field Trip

The Introductory Black and White Photography class took a field trip to the Syre Center and the Whatcom Museum in downtown Bellingham yesterday. At the Syre Center they met with Jeff Jewell who is the Archivist and Historian for the Whatcom Museum. Jewell showed them...
Vancouver Art Galleries

Vancouver Art Galleries

One of the great things about going to school in Bellingham is its proximity to great cities like Seattle and Vancouver. Both cities are less than a two hour drive from campus and both offer great connections to the international art scene.   When travelling to...
Introduction to the Holga 120n

Introduction to the Holga 120n

It’s been a little while since I have gone out to do some shooting with my Holga. Just the other day though, encouraged by an assignment for my photography class, I took the lightweight little camera out to the local tulip Festival to shoot a roll of color film. My...