Pinhole Exhibition – Spring 2024

Pinhole Exhibition – Spring 2024

April 29 – May 24 Fine Arts Second Floor Exhibition Cases This spring classes ART373 and ART370 explored making their own homemade pinhole cameras, sometimes also called “garbage cams”, to capture some truly unique photos! Pinhole involves the...
Spring 2024: Photography in the Tulip Fields

Spring 2024: Photography in the Tulip Fields

April 2024 For countless years, the photography students have been visiting the Skagit Valley Tulip Fields. This spring Western’s ART370 B&W Photography 1 and ART373 Photography Alternative Process classes used their pinhole cameras, DSLRs, Holgas, or...
Creative Quarterly Issue 76 Submissions Open

Creative Quarterly Issue 76 Submissions Open

Until April 26, 2024 The Creative Quarterly has issued an open call for artists to submit their creative works for a chance to be featured in their upcoming journal. Submissions are cheaper for current students. The best of show winner will be awarded a $750, and both...