High-Tech Low-Tech Exhibition

High-Tech Low-Tech Exhibition

Click through here to see the artists’ works. Scroll over an image to see the artist’s name.  Utilizing the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the HOLGA toy camera, students juxtapose two interpretations using wildly different...
Cyanotype/Screen Print Collaboration

Cyanotype/Screen Print Collaboration

For the final project of Photo 373- Alternative Process, the students collaborated with Lisa Turner’s screen printing class to create an artwork combining cyan and screen print! Pictured below are images of the getting-to-know-each-other experiment in which bed...
Art 373 Hybrid Pinhole

Art 373 Hybrid Pinhole

In this projects, students converted already existing objects into pinhole cameras, or constructed unconventional “sculptural” pinhole cameras. They utilized the cameras appropriated and decontextualized form or content as a starting point for producing...
High Tech-Low Tech

High Tech-Low Tech

In their second exhibition, Art 371 students used the high tech scanning capabilities of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and combined their results with the low tech qualities of the plastic Holga camera. The students used the diptych layout to compare and...
Big Heads

Big Heads

Art 371, Black and White Photo II, students just installed their exhibition, Big Heads. It will be on display from February 6th through 27th in the WWU Photo Concentration Exhibition Space. The students explored portraiture using a variety of effects to create a...
Big Heads: Sports

Big Heads: Sports

Students in the Introductory Black and White Photography class just debuted their project titled Big Heads: Sports on the second floor of Carver Gymnasium! The pieces will be on display until December 11th so make sure to stop by and check out the full exhibition if...