Lightroom Basics

Lightroom Basics

Lightroom can be a very complicated program that allows you to manipulate your photos to extraordinary lengths. Or Lightroom can be used in a more compact and direct program that helps you edit your photos in a more user-friendly way when compared to photoshop.  For...
Photoshop Editing Tutorial: The Orton Effect

Photoshop Editing Tutorial: The Orton Effect

 The Orton Effect is a way of blending photos. It takes two photos of the same scene and mixes high and low details to create a single picture. This is different from the double exposure effect people do with photoshop or film cameras. Double exposure is when the...
Tone Curve Photoshop Tutorial

Tone Curve Photoshop Tutorial

Learning to edit using photoshop, lightroom, or any other photo editing software, in general, can seem overwhelming and arduous. You’ll learn many different ways to enhance your photos like, how to color balance your photos, how to properly expose the lighting,...
Introduction to the Holga 120n

Introduction to the Holga 120n

It’s been a little while since I have gone out to do some shooting with my Holga. Just the other day though, encouraged by an assignment for my photography class, I took the lightweight little camera out to the local tulip Festival to shoot a roll of color film. My...