Travel Photography with David Scherrer

There’s an art show/event this coming saturday if anyone’s interested (and has the money…). Might be interesting?

Travel Photography with David Scherrer

Saturday, June 4 8:00a to 5:00p

atWhatcom Museum Lightcatcher Building,Bellingham,WA

Price: $80 / $70 For Museum members

Phone: 360/778-7000

Age Suitability:None Specified

Tags: There are no tags.

Day-long workshop addresses the various challenges and pleasures encountered in traveling with a camera. Instructor, David Scherrer will discuss equipment, basic camera usage and technique. He will present a slide show of his photos taken in Turkey, Ireland, and France. Students should bring examples of their own travel photos to share with the class and photography gear. Register through Bellingham Parks & Recreation by June 1.

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