Notes from Thematic Analysis Practice with Volunteer Opportunities

In the interest of time, the 20 volunteer opportunities were split into two sets of 10. Four people reviewed each set, and tried to apply our initial list of codes. We then did a show of hands for each code to see how many people had used that code for at least one of the 10 opportunities they had looked at. If someone was uncertain, that was treated as a 1/2 vote in the tallies below:

  • resume – 7 1/2
  • networking – 6
  • giving back – 5
  • pay into system – 0
  • cause – 8
  • meaning – 5 1/2
  • social – 8
  • community – 7 1/2
  • fill time – 4
  • familiarization – 6
  • required – 0

We then discussed whether there were additional motivations that seemed to be mentioned in the descriptions of the opportunities, but that weren’t in our initial list. We came up with the following three items:

  • fun / free food / music
  • ability to use skills/tools that a person has
  • making a difference/having an impact

For several of the codes, we then examined what specific opportunities they had been applied to, and what it was about the description of the opportunity that made that code seem appropriate.

For resume, it was mentioned it had been applied to opportunities #4 and #20, and maybe could be applied to #8. This code could be applied when there is specific list of benefits that mentioned building skills and experience, but it could also be applied when such benefits are implied by the nature of the position. This could be indicated by the specific duties of the position, or the job title. In some cases it was a little unclear whether an opportunity involved developing skills or using skills a person already has, and a single opportunity might be both. A mention of training would clearly indicate that this is an opportunity to develop skills.

For cause, it had been applied to #2, #6, and #14. People applied this code when they saw a list of organizations that would benefit, where there was mention of specific activities or things that are going to get done (partly with your help), or in one case because the opportunity description specifically mentioned harm reduction.


There was some discussion of the community code, and what it exactly meant. In some ways it seemed to overlap with social, in the sense of being part of a group of people. But other aspects of it might be more appropriately covered by the proposed making a difference code.


There was also some discussion of the fill time code. This had been applied when there was mention of the specific days/times when a volunteer was needed. However, that seems to be less about being bored about more about making the opportunity fit with your schedule, so there might be a better label for that code.