What if I hand in an assignment late?

What happens with a late assignment depends on whether it is excused or not.

A late assignment is excused if…

  • You let me know before the deadline that you won’t be able to submit it on time, OR
  • You miss the deadline because of an unforeseeable emergency, and you let me know as soon as possible. To verify that you did indeed experience an emergency (as opposed to, say, having your printer jam), I will usually ask you to get a letter through the Office of Student Life.

When you let me know the assignment will be late, you should also indicate when you will be able to complete it. If your request is reasonable, I will generally give you an extension until that time.

For an unexcused late assignment, there is a 10% late penalty as soon as the assignment is late, with an additional 10% penalty for every 24 hour period that passes until it is submitted.