Hello, my name is Rochelle & most days I feel like an alien.

Smiling little birthday girl.

I am: a woman (she/her/hers) …

I am: a woman (she/her/hers), daughter, sister, soul mate, partner, friend, social scientist, cinephile, writer.

I hold a BS in Psychology and a BA in Creative Writing from Western Washington University, where I explored how both implicit and explicit perceptions impact analytical film theory and American society. Prior to returning to university, I accumulated ten years of business management experience while writing in the evenings. I have completed two feature length films, one stage play, one novel, one children’s picture book, and copy edited over 1M words through a local writing group.

I love: to write characters …

I love: to write characters that write themselves; to burrow inside minds and the properties of personality; to unfurl the cosmic paradox of self. My goal as a writer is to shadow black and white archetypes into a more honest gray. Through my ongoing research and writing, I am committed to exposing the complex simplicity of humanity in all its beauty and decay.

We each live a life that is completely our own, yet that doesn’t always means it feels like our own. I was not raised to be a progressive feminist. I was not encouraged to seek an education or advocate for LGBTQ rights. I was not taught to prefer escaping into other worlds. But I have become a woman who does all of those things. And so do my characters.

And perhaps some of you do, too.