About Us


Students for Anti-Racist Action (SARA) is a group at Western Washington University that focuses on educating and mobilizing white students on campus in racial justice organizing. As white students we recognize that racism is a force that negatively impacts students of color and communities of color. We also recognize that it is not the role of these communities to educate white people on racism. It is our responsibility to teach ourselves about power and privilege and to have the conversations that foster such growth in a setting that is inclusive of all identities. It is also our role to show up in solidarity when asked and to take active steps to fight racism in our everyday lives. We work in solidarity with students of color and recognize their leadership in racial justice movements.

SARA is a pro-intersectional space which means we strive to work through a feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-cisheteronormative, anti-speciesist, anti-ableist lense. We work with the understanding that no one is free until everyone is free.



SARA meets on a bi-weekly basis (every other week) and holds monthly actions. Our meetings take place every other Monday in AW 303 at 5:00 pm. Visit our Facebook page to learn when the next meeting is. We welcome all people regardless of identity, and strive to create a space that is a “liberation zone”* for everyone. Please note that the education element of club meetings is geared towards white students.

*language taken from organizers in European Dissent Seattle
