“Communicate from the inside out.”
Start With Why TED Talk
By, Simon Sinek
Wow, this has been quite the exciting entrepreneurship ride so far!! AND it only seems to be getting more fun, more challenging, more intriguing and more growth oriented than I could have ever imagined.
This past week my VP2 team and I have dove right into setting our intentions for this project and talking about all that we want to get done to deliver an outstanding pitch by its due date!
Before discussing how it is that we spent our first week in detail I want to mention how impactful Simon Sinek’s TED Talk was in relation to the beginning stages of our group’s new venture. After watching and listening to Sinek describe his diagram for working from the inside (why) and out (what) some sort of light in my brain clicked on. When he said people by why you do, that shook me. To me, I had just the key to innovation and making a valuable product. With this new light clicked on, I moved forward with the “why” mindset into a new group of AWESOME, SMART and INNOVATIVE, LIKE MINDED individuals:
Bruno, AJ, Bella, and Karhum, say what’s up! We are Group 4.

What we accomplished Week 1:
We come together for 3 + zoom meetings, drafted a POA, bounced ideations around, peer reviewed POA’s, and eventually through preliminary research, surveys and interview came up with an idea. This is an idea we are excited to bring to life and we are confident that it will help alleviate our target markets pain.

I’m choosing not to release our product, YET. But I will leave you with this quote from Karhum to give you a preview of what is cooking for group 4.
“You’ll never forget how to chop an onion once you learn.”
Karhum, Group 4 VP2 Team
On a personal note, I LOVED learning up the Post It method of scheduling. I took that idea and used it not only for this project/course but for my other courses as well.

After a week of getting to know each other and a week of learning more about our teams direction we want to go in, I am looking forward to what the future has in store.
This looks incredible. I am super excited to hear what your actually project is! All the visual pieces really pull me in more as well. All the connections from this class to others and the tie in from the TED talk is really interesting, and makes me think that you know how to pull from all parts of your life. I am interested to hear how I can connect and help you with your project. Is there anything you might need us to post to our social medias?
Hey Kristina. Fantastic Traction Journal! I agree so much about the why how what. You took it and ran with it. I am jealous of your sticky organization. I think I am going to do that for my classes as well. The stressful feeling of “Is it due today?” is constantly in my head, and I think those stickies will help.