What did I love about this week?
A quick list: Meaningful conversations and interviews. Self -love practice consistency. Strong workouts. Awesome teamwork and project development with VP2 squad. Everyday miracles. Family time. Pivots. Entrepreneurship growth. And detours in the right direction.
I was talking to a friend this week and he shared with me that he has been waking up with the thought of, “I am so scared I am going to fail,” and “I am full of anxiety over the question of what if I fail?” He said that these repetitive thoughts were causing him to wake up in a little bit of a dreadful state. He also mentioned how he believed his current thoughts were supposed to make him more motivated to succeed but instead he was mentally feeling worse.
I paused for second and really thought about what he was sharing with me and I had this feeling that there was a better alternative to motivating him to get up in the morning. Fear leaves us feeling stuck and the thought, “I am scared to fail,” was basically him living in a state of fight or flight. I knew this because I’ve been caught up in that state so many times. I could relate.
It took me a couple seconds and then I said, “What if instead of saying I’m scared to fail, saying I am excited to succeed.” I instantly saw his eyes get wide and I knew it had clicked. It was as if by changing the thought we had flipped the script on his fear.
It was one of the coolest, most profound, shifts of the week. And not only did it help him, I took the new thought and was able to able it my own week. For example, in regards to our VP2 project, we were having a difficult time nailing down our offering. It took us almost 2 hours before we concluded that we were overwhelmed and might need to sleep on it. Rather than fearing that this bump in the road meant failure I turned to my friend and I’s new mantra, I am excited to succeed, and was able to keep my enthusiasm for our project rather than fear the bump in the road.
Old mantra: I am scared to fail.
New mantra: I am excited to succeed.
How cool is that?
“A thought is just a thought, and a thought can be changed.”

What resonated with me in the workshops?
First of all, Parchelle Tashi, was an amazing speaker and teacher. Her teaching background came through her workshop which made this workshop extremely valuable and the information instantly graspable. By the end of her lecture I had three pages of notes and logged of feeling much more confident and savvy than I had when I had first logged on. Here are the top three things that resonated with me through her workshop:
1. Identifying your walls: not facing your walls will not serve you. AKA: notice when your fears are talking.
2. Connecting to you self-worth: I titled this blog post after this point because I have learned that this is KEY and hearing an entrepreneur note this as one her top priorities was reassuring to hear.
3. Speak up!: I loved her challenge to us to post a video of ourselves speaking everyday. She also mentioned that knowing what we value is part of the process of setting boundaries.

“Embrace entrepreneurship. It is truly a gift.”
Parchelle tashi

How might I apply this week’s learnings to our VP2 venture?
- I think noticing when my fears are talking is huge in relation to our VP2 venture because my fears keep me from dreaming big sometimes, especially when I am unaware of the fears. Noticing when this is happening and being able to shit to a dreamer mindset would be super valuable to making things happen for VP2 that I really desire.
2. Parchelle’s book recommendation was The Millionaire Master Plan which I know would contribute to all E&1 projects moving forward.
3. Parchelle mentioned that she has learned that everyone has their own rhythm and this couldn’t be more true for team projects. Knowing and learning each of our rhythms is crucial to the success of our entire team.

VP2 Goals This Coming Week:
1. 5 post prototype interviews
2. Learning Journey Video
3. Pitch Rehearsals
Personal Goals:
- Reach out to Little Rock gym and propose my idea for a Self Love Club program applied to Summer 2021. #facingfears I have a two week workshop set up but I have been working on the 3 month program proposal 🙂
2. This is the home stretch of the quarter, stay focused, joyful and self-loving!
3. Drink more water daily and increase carb/protein ratio post workouts.
#qotw *quote of the week*

I understanding that feeling of fear all too well. Fear of failure affects us far more than it should. Your process of handling fear is fascinating. Because it handles fear in a healthy way and allows your friends to help with it.
I would suggest listening to “Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen” by Baz Luhrmann. It was a speech about life given to the class of 1999. It was turned into a song, and helps me out whenever I feel fear in life. It is available on video streaming websites.
Ok, so it has been a few weeks since I have had time to connect with you. But here I am doing and seeing the incredible work you are putting in. To start with I love how you started to change your mindset. It was incredible to turn the piece of scare to fail into excited to succeed. But I want to do one more step. I am excited to fail forward. This is my mantra, as each failure brings me closer to a greater success.
Second, I also really vibed with Parchelle Tashi. The three thing you pointed out are also in my own notes. I loved listening to her. I especially understood her point on the videos. I have been doing a video or two of myself a week and it’s getting easy to say I can do this, and be confident in who I am.
Lastly, I am so glad I was in your traction journal team. You have brought so much joy and creative confidence to my life through these posts. I am extremely grateful for that!
Thank you for being you.