Before I jump into this week’s traction journal prompts I wanted to share an awesome and useful video by Marie Forleo and Cole Schafer that I watched this past week. This video includes some great tips on writing as an entreprenur. As someone who is minoring in professional writing and who has a huge interest in copywriting this video was educational and I know I can transfer these writing tips to Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Also, if you haven’t read Maria Forleo’s book, Everything is Figureoutable, I would highly recommend it for entrepreneurs and change makers.
“Does my writing inspire others to take action?
Marie Forleo
What did I love this week?
I loved a lot of things about this past week. I loved getting to know my VP1 team, prototyping and designing a product close to my heart and I really loved the growth I experienced as I learned to further define accessibility.
Before the focus that was put on accessibility throughout this course so far, I didn’t have my accessibility thinking cap on due to the privilege I have living without disability and a lack of understanding and knowledge. I am so grateful for this quarters focus on accessibility and what this increased awareness will have the potential to impact on the lives of everyone moving forward.
Another highlight this week was guest speaker, Hoby Wedler. Man, if I ever thought I have any excuses to learn and go after knowledge, this proved that I have none. He was incredible.
“I encourage you to be literate in all your senses.”
Hoby Wedlers lecture talk for e&i, 4/5/2021
What would I have loved to have achieved this week, and what held me back from this?
I would have loved to go into a little more detail of what a new mental health GUR would look like at WWU. For VP1 and our teams project we created heart2heart talk, with a base in connection and conversation. Due to the short amount of time allotted for VP1, this was not possible but it something that holds great interest for my own journey as a change maker and entreprenur.

What was my personal experience and lessons I learned from completing VP1 this quarter?
I had a great experience with VP1. My team consisted of two fellow peers that were in my VP1 group this past winter was a huge part of success. We had great leadership and community in the past which just continued to grow this quarter.
I learned that getting tasks done right away is hugely beneficial to being able to carry the project forward and if I get my tasks done I am much more available to help teammates that need some help and guidance. It’s a win win.

What challenges am I facing?
Hmmmm I’m not really facing any challenges with E&1 as a whole, it’s truly been a great experience so far and setting my intention every class to learn is hugely beneficial.
The only challenge I would mention is applying what I’m learning and transferring that over to my big dreams and passions I have in the works outside of class.
What’s next?!
I love this question! I’ll answer it in list style:
- I’m reading this amazing new book that was recommended to me by WWU counselor called Break the Good Girl Myth. It’s nothing that I expected in the aspect that she is a Stanford graduate who talks about these myths and rules that hold women back but she bases her writing comparing one’s life to how one would design a buisness. Our life is the prototype and we have the power to design our own unique versions. I’m about 1/2 through and I know that it will have a huge impact on my life moving forward.

2. Exercise is my #1 stress reliever and reminder that I am powerful and capable of going after my purpose, passion and dreams. This month marks one year of prioritizing my well being. I found a lifting coach and a program and I committed to me and my desire to feel great! The picture below is me the other day after an outdoor workout feeling very very alive!

3. A new week for E&1. Can’t wait to meet my new VP2 team and continue showing up for the world in only the ways we all uniquely can!
4. I’ve set up a new way to design my day and have been using this format 🙂

“Design thinking is a process that involves deeply understanding people’s needs, synthesizing our observations, and brainstorming, prototyping, and testing multiple solutions multiples times before coming up with the best design. What I love about it is that it’s both powerful and flexible.”
Majo Molfino, Break the Good Girl Myth
Ok first off, what a fabulously constructed blog post, you’re seriously inspiring me to up my game here. I watched and read every single bit of this post and that includes the 45ish minutes of vid content (though not really because praise to 2x speed).
That aside, so great to see how you’ve taken with this program and community, you have a great understanding and alignment with the learning objectives and progression that students hope to see in here, and I am sure that is in no small part related to the intentions that you set here, really cool to see!
I am excited for you to move into the VP2 this quarter, and wish you luck with your journey, am here for support or questions you may have! You’re seriously a rockstar!
Woah, Wow, & Incredible. Like Gavin mentioned these blog post are amazing and captivating they really engage us in so many way! Anyways I was excited to watch over the extra TedTalk links you posted and my oh my I truly love hearing what Dr. Toby has to say abut seeing what you don’t truly see the first time, and how that can impact the overall meaning and translation of how you use your senses. Very cool speaker indeed, I also really enjoyed how you mentioned exercising as a ‘medicine’ for the spirit, my girlfriend has been on this gym grind for about 2 months now and she’s constantly tells me how much more free and clear she feels, hearing this from you as well and seeing the greater benefit, I think I will also put my effort in to bettering my self, physically and mentally! Thank you for this awesome post>
-Saul M.
Ya know, every time I read your blog I get inspired to create and design my own wicked life. I am so impressed with how you engage with and connect with the world. The book you are reading sounds so interesting and empowering. The “good girl” ideal is something that my family promotes and tries to place as the best I could be. Since getting to college, I am starting to understand what that means and why I have always been unhappy in that box they have placed me in. I am uncertain if the book touches on that at all, but that is what it reminded me of.
I am so thankful to have been on your VP1 team again this quarter! It was so cool to see the growth that you and Jacob have had since last time. As well as the work and effort you were able to put into this project. Thank you for being an awesome teammate and creating a team that went beyond all my hopes to be the best and most successful VP1 as an E6. You rock!
The last piece I want to say is good luck on your VP2 and I cannot wait to be updated on what you are accomplishing. Enjoy the incredible weather that spring brings to Spokane!
It was awesome to wrap up VP1 this past week with you and our group. I really enjoyed being able to be in a group with you again and I’m incredibly happy with what we able to accomplish, especially winning the pitch in class!
I also really liked what you said about accessibility in you entry this week. We are definitely privileged in the way that we think and go about life, so the lens put on accessibility in this project was very beneficial and will help in future projects and beyond that. Listening to Hoby talk was also incredible and really inspiring. His story and what he does and accomplishes really make you realize you have no excuses not to do things as you said.
Good luck with your VP2 project, I know you will do great things with it!