“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”
– Elizabeth gilbert, big magic
Hey guys!
First of all, I LOVE mind maps. I can and will nerd out on mind maps. Seriously. I’ve been drawing mind maps before I knew what mind maps were HAHA. I remember the year I turned 21 I decided to journal through these webs solely. If I had more time I would dig out this journal but they are deep in my parent’s basement in some bins. But anyways when I was going though Meg’s tutorials on Change Leadership and drawing these ‘network map’s’ I was like, “Oh yeah, I can get creative with this project!”
I found this video and was instantly inspired to create these network maps in an intentional and thought out way. Especially, how they can be used to draw up connections within our E&I community.
How are you guys doing with Change Leadership? Has this project been a highlight or something you could do without?
P.S. I also watched an episode on Marie Forleo’s YouTube channel with Elizabeth Gilbert. If you haven’t read her book BIG MAGIC and you are a creative/entreprenur I would HIGHLY recommend this as one of your top resources.
How are we currently planning to serve our customer with your venture? Is there a fit?
Whewwww. So, this past week we presented our Ugly But Tasty presentations and gained a lot of valuable feedback. The most valuable feedback being the answers that I found tough to answer from my peers. I really like these questions because they are often clear indicators to what area’s need more focus and most likely research. I was proud of our team’s presentation and the clearly communicated information that we were able to share because of the time and effort we have brought to this project and our customer so far.
Based on our SECOND BIC this is what we are offering S&T Window Films:
Social Media Package:
- Color Palette
- Social Media Post templates
- Hashtags/SEO
- Professional VA
Website Prototype Template
- Wireframe
- Consolidate text and incorporate more images/videos.
- Look at tools available to discover better ways for the team and customers to communicate.
- Present them with ways to better incorporate the tools they already have.
Our customer has a special area of focus in regards to how Linkedin specifically could benefit his opitimal customer base. The goal this week is to dig deeper into the customers needs in this regard.
How might I apply this weeks learning’s into our venture?
The top three applications to apply to our venture:
1.UGLY BUT TASTY– bringing Mock prototype to life for our customers desired website revamp + more research to best provide the evidence to back our offerings + how can we bring more awareness of the the minority organizations their business to provide an edge?
2.Be a #mutlifacedgem in whatever areas we provide
3.Continue RESEARCH; secondary research so that we have that language set to provide the best consultation we can
A note on empathy:

Hey Kristina!
Wow, your journal was so compelling and I love how you included so many multi-media components. I have been listening to a lot of Elizabeth Gilbert Ted talks in my other class and I really really love the message she conveys. The big take away I always get from her is to just take the first step. Even if it is scary and your not quite sure, at least try and explore. Follow your curiostiy.
I also really loved talking to you for my change leadership project! I really enjoyed getting to know you and what you believe in and I am just really excited to get to work with you hopefully in future projects!
Hey Kristina,
Again the continual awesomeness you implement in these traction journals is beyond great! I haven’t considered mind maps in such detail before like in the short 4 min clip you linked in here, she really went all out and made this map into an amazing thought-out tool that is very useful and more interactive for our learning. I will try to use more mind maps in the same concept as the video I really liked learning a bit more about them and their usefulness. I also was very heart warmed when I saw that image of yourself and the little girls, very awesome to be able to tap into your passions and that drive that you desire. I love that you can influence these young girls so early in their development and Im sure you only provide the best advice and support like none other to them! So awesome!
Saul M.
Hey Kristina! Once again, love reading your traction journals every week. They are always so engaging and interesting! I really love what your guy’s offering is for your client you are working with this quarter. We ended up going in a similar direction, so seeing yours gave a little bit of motivation for things we can add or how to lay it out for our client. You’re offering sound like its going to be awesome and I really like how you laid it out in this journal. Its very clear and I can’t wait to see how your guy’s project turns out! Have a great week this week and I’m looking forward to reading your next journal!